Brick Fundraising with the
Gift Bricks® Administrative Plan

Want to do a brick or tile fundraiser but do not have the volunteers to administer the program? Gift Bricks® can do it for you using our Gift Bricks® Administrative Package. This allows you to focus your brick promotions and Gift Bricks® will handle the rest.

You may choose from a variety of administrative offerings which include:

  • A bank account is set up which all funds are deposited into.
  • A P.O. Box is opened in your town for all correspondence. This gives your donors ease of mind sending orders locally.  All mail will be forwarded to Gift Bricks®.
  • A dedicated toll free telephone number and e-mail address is set up at our office. It is managed as if your donor is calling you. Our customer support staff is trained on the details of your engraved brick program to handle orders and any inquiries.
  • A secure website is designed for use as an online order form. A downloadable version is also presented for those who prefer to mail payment.
  • Orders are processed and donors are sent acknowledgements for confirmation.  Changes are managed with a simple phone call or e-mail.
  • A locator system is designed and a Locator Map and Certificate of Appreciation are sent to every donor after their brick is installed.
  • Monthly bank reconciliation is completed; reports are prepared and submitted to you with a profit check.

Your donors will receive the customer service and support you come to expect from Gift Bricks®. Give us a call for a Free analysis for your engraved brick or personalized engraved tile fundraising program.

Gift Bricks® sales representative

engraving promotional planning available
