Gift Bricks® Privacy Statement
Effective Date: June 30, 2016
Creative Brick / Gift Bricks® respects your privacy, and is committed to establishing and maintaining a relationship with you as a trusted partner. This Privacy Policy (‘policy’) covers the treatment of both personal and general information Creative Brick / Gift Bricks® collects when you use (the "website"). Links on the website may lead you to other websites, to which this policy is not bound. Please refer to the privacy policies posted on those websites for applicable information.
What Information Does Creative Brick / Gift Bricks® Collect?
1. Information You Choose to Give Us
- When you fill out a contact form, registration form or any other form on the website, your name, e-mail address and other contact information are transmitted to Creative Brick / Gift Bricks® for follow-up contact with you. This contact information is retained for relationship management purposes.
2. Information We Collect Automatically
- As is the case with most any website, the website records traffic data in its server logs. This includes your IP address, the page you requested and the date and time of your request. Creative Brick / Gift Bricks® uses this information to monitor the performance of the website and to analyze trends.
- We advertise our services and obtain referrals from clients. If you clicked on an advertising link that led you to the website (e.g., from a Yahoo! or Google search), information relevant to tracking the performance of the advertisement is recorded. The same applies to referrals, as we record the referring website with the date and time.
- We also incorporate Google Analytics code into our pages to help identify patterns and track advertising effectiveness. To find out more about Google Analytics, visit for information.
How Else Does Creative Brick / Gift Bricks® Use Information Gathered?
The personally-identifiable information described above is not shared with parties outside Creative Brick / Gift Bricks®. From time to time, we may publish or otherwise disclose anonymous, aggregated statistical information, such as the number of visitors to the site in a given timeframe. Creative Brick / Gift Bricks® will not sell, trade or give freely your personal information. We jealously guard our clients and prospective clients, and do not wish to jeopardize our relationship with you.
In special cases, such as the client testimonials, we may display contact information of selected clients on the Creative Brick / Gift Bricks® website. This is only after having sought and obtained prior consent from each participating client. Participants have the right to review and to request removal of this information from the website at any time.
How Does Creative Brick / Gift Bricks® Inform Me of Policy Changes?
This policy is a living document and is subject to change. As the website is updated to solicit and to showcase work, we will review this policy to ensure policy and practice are in agreement. Revisions to the policy will be posted to the website with a notice of the date the new policy takes effect.
If you have questions regarding this policy, please feel free to write an e-mail message to engrave [at] giftbricks [dot] com, or to call us at 1-800-537-5579.
Creative Brick / Gift Bricks®
2920 – 99th Street
Sturtevant, WI 53177