Engraved Clay Brick Materials for Donor Recognition Programs by Gift Bricks®

Clay engraved bricks, by Gift Bricks®, are offered with four different engraving options. All methods engrave beautifully. The Gift Bricks® sales staff will help you choose the best engraving option for your donor program.

  1. Brick engraving with epoxy, includes a Lifetime Warranty on the engraving
  2. Laser engraved bricks, includes a Lifetime Warranty on the engraving
  3. Engraved and paint infill bricks with an array of colors to choose from
  4. Engraved only bricks - The Natural Look

Vibrant colors are available for engraved clay bricks. Clay brick sizes include:  4x8 and some colors in 8x8 size. You can see the color and size brick chart with examples by clicking the links below.

Take a look at our color options for the epoxy filled, laserblasted, and paint infill colors. What a great way to make your fundraiser more unique than to have the lettering stand out even more.

Gift Bricks® recommends a mix of engraved concrete arch pavers when requesting larger pavers with clay bricks. Through using a combination of clay engrave bricks with engraved concrete bricks, you will be able to raise donations in larger amounts.

Please contact the Gift Bricks® sales staff for more information about engraved clay materials.

You may view the many colors and sizes here:

Explore the Gift Bricks® donor brick material pages to see examples of personalized bricks, and engraved pavers.

Bronze Statues with Clay Memory Bricks Surrounding

Gift Bricks Engraved Clay Bricks Photo
